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Главная » 2009 » Ноябрь » 9 » New member 2x2 Milen Ivanov aka fadromata
New member 2x2 Milen Ivanov aka fadromata

1. Name, nickname: Milen Ivanov, fOscB.FaDroM
2. Date of birth: 25.01.1986
3. Country, city: Bulgaria, Sofia
4. ICQ, phone number: ICQ# 340744174,PHONE: +359899636323
5. Date of joining team: 07.11.2009
6. Main race: Protoss
7. Rank: B-/B
8. Game type (1x1, 2x2 or both): 2V2 ONLY
9. Which servers do you play? iCCup
10. Favorite unit is Dark Templar
11. The most stupid unit is: It is like the proverb "which is first - the chicken or the egg". DRAGOON & GOLIATH
12. My SC-idol is: When u play SC vs 7 computers at BGH u can meet "passive zerg" thak makes nothing else but .collecting minerals....so THATS MY IDOL, LOL
13. My idol in real life is: Vasil Levski (Bulgarian national revolutionary and fighter for peace and freedom)
14. My hobby: Sporting bets, Poker, Mountain hiking, Traveling, Fitness
15. I like music: All kind, mostly Retro from 80's & 90's
16. My sporting preferences: Soccer
17. My favorite phrase: "Dont worry about falling in love. They usually dont find each other untill the last page"
18. I like: To be different
19. I hate: Nothing
20. You should call me: No matter how
21. My SC achievements: I play for fun at all. Did not have any achievments yet
22. My achievements in real life: Graduation
23. Marital status: Single
24. Following thing inspire me: The adrenaline
25. Character: Extrovert
26. My opinion about team: "The fellowship of the ring" - "The fellowship of SC" -a great movie - a great team !
Категория: Жизнь | Просмотров: 1323 | Добавил: LovePorn | Рейтинг: 5.0/2 |
Всего комментариев: 12
1 Deko  
Welcome to the team, Milen!

2 Serge  
welcome Fadromata!
gogo active games!^^

3 x3mka  
Welcome! Btw, you play soccer or just like watching? :)

4 Razer  
good ;P

5 Fadromata  
Hey guys good to see all of u:) hope we have fun here! X3mka I do love watching and betting on soccer:))It's kinda my hobby

6 fazeYou  
hello man. welcome!

7 LovePorn  
игрок проявляет себя активно он попросил о принятии своего алли из n.Joy Team он показ мне репы где им удаловь выграть 2-0 у поляков!
Так же он по моей просьбе согласился потренть CAS, который отныне будет немного по активнее!
Плз добавте их обоиз в свои листи и не игнорьте при общеннии!
Он отличный парень и готоза за нас епашить!
Вот такими и должны бать члены команды fOscB!

8 TriniTi  
hi Milen, nice photo^^
avesome guy, is it really your pic?

9 Fadromata  
Thank you Triniti:)))) It's mine of course! Do u play BW and what is your AKA ?

10 Tantrel  
Welcome to the team)) Yeap, she is MEGA GOSU BW Player)) beware her))

11 Fadromata  
lol sounds challenging! I wanna play with her for sure now :D

12 Tantrel  
I'll be praying for you ag

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